The 76mm Seismic Hot Spots are some of the best race wheels on the Market. If you dont believe us ask Seismic team riders Chase Hiller or Aaron Hampshire, you can find them on your nearest podium. Seismic Developed the Hotspots using the Mini EC-Hub which provides a normal looking outer lip, while providing a larger supported inner core and lip. This combination packs massive roll speed, and acceleration, as the inside lip of the wheel is incredibly rigid. The Mini EC-Hub combines the outer lip flex of an unsupported wheel which is ideal for gripping and maintaining traction, while dually benefitting from the huge boosts in roll speed by having a minimally deforming load bearing surface while rolling. The 76mm Hot Spots are 59mm wide which makes them grippy for holding speed through corners, but narrow enough to still be incredibly agile and reliable for open road skating.
The Seismic Hot Spots come in 3 Formulas; the Elixir, the Black-Ops, and the Defcon formulas.
ELIXIR Formula
Elixir is a thaney, slide focused urethane that comes in 1 Hot Spot Durometer, 82a (red). Choose the Elixir formula if you are focused on holding out controlled standup slides, freeriding corners, or looking for the butteriest glove down thaners you ever laid.
The Black-Ops formula is a more performance based concoction that caters to faster riding, with more resistance in the slide, and a more technical downhill application for tight corners and reliable grip. Black-Ops come in 77a (orange) and a 78.5(blue) durometer and should be used if you are looking for slower wearing wheel that can provide more grip, and quick roll speed.
DEFCON Formula
The Defcon formula is the highest rebounding of the 3 formulas which makes it the fastest as well. This is a slow wearing urethane with EXPLOSIVE roll speed and predictable slide that will leave you hooning through the apex with ease. The Hot Spot comes in 3 Defcon durometes; 77a (bubblegum), 78.5a (mango), and 80a (mint)
Formula | Durometer & Color |
Defcon | 77a (bubblegum) – 78.5 (mango) – 80a (mint) |
Black-Ops | 77a (orange) 78.5a (blue) |
Elixir | 82a (red) |
Size | Durometers | Contact Patch | Bearing Seat |
76mm | 77a, 78.5a, 80a (Defcon) – 77a, 78.5a (Black-Ops) – 82a (Elixir) | 59mm | Offset |
*Wheels are sold in a set of 4.